Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spread Light into the Darkness...

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Chinese Proverb

Well, Happy New Year!

I am late sending along my greetings for 2011. I have to say, I just did not want the holidays to end this year. It was not because I had this wild and crazy time. In actual fact, the twelve days of Christmas were quiet and peaceful. Reflective and sometimes a little sad as I reflected on the Christmas mornings of days gone by.

But, I just did not want it to end. So, I've kept the tree up.

It is not like me. Usually, with the first sign of New Year's, everything must be put away, floors must be scoured, and the house needs to smell like Mr. Clean. Fresh start for a New Year. But this year is different.

I suppose I just want the light of Christmas to linger for a while, to boost our spirits. Perhaps I wanted to look a little longer at life through the branches of the tree, with eyes squinting, so the colors blend together to create a magnificent kaleidoscope of beauty.

I will be honest, I've made excuses for myself.

At first, I told everyone that I was too busy to take it down.

Then, I said it was to stay in place to celebrate my husband's birthday. He needed it.

Finally, grasping at any excuse I could find, I said what the heck, I will leave it in place until the 12th day of Christmas.

I just can't make any further excuses.

The tree is way past its prime. The wind from the dog lightly walking by causes needles to fly from the tree. Two sets of lights have gone out and there are dark patches within the branches. One patch is shaped like Italy, and I am looking at it right now from my office chair.

It is time...

But for today, on this feast of the Epiphany, I will drink up every last minute of the lights of Christmas. January 6th, observed in commemoration of the coming of the Magi. Catholics believe the three kings brought gifts to the newborn Jesus, following the light of the star.

Epiphany. It has two meanings. The first, is as I listed and simplistically explained above, the feast day. The second meaning?

"usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something"

And, right on cue, as I thought about the epiphany, I have one of my very own. This feast day, right at the end of the holiday season, is one last reminder for us to take with us throughout the year.

The Magi, or three wise man, followed the star. The looked to the light, and decided to put faith in the fact that the light would lead them to something wonderful.

Let us all, as we tuck away the colored lights for another 350 days or so, remember the lessons from the Magi.

Remember that if you look for the light in your life, and move towards it, you will find something wonderful. Remember even in the darkest of nights, you can look up, and see the stars and know there is something much bigger than you guiding you through your days. And remember that it is our responsibility, much like the light on my tree, to be the lights for others who cross our path on this earth.

Be the light for someone today, and the next day, and the next day, and the one after that too. Be the light that may help someone find there way out of their own dark night.

Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice

So, with that lesson in my pocket, I am ready to disassemble Christmas. I am ready to spread some of my own light around.

Have a 100 Watt kind of day,



  1. Hi Kelly.

    I just discovered your blog and get comfort from it. Thank you for that. I just lost my youngest son (I have three) on December 13, 2010. He was only 21. It was sudden. He went in his sleep and we still don't know why. His name is Devin and he is my precious baby. I have lived in Alberta for almost 30 years but am also originally from NL. When we were there this past summer, I had heard about your book and tried to find it (not knowing at the time how much I would be able to relate to it). I had totally forgotten about it, even after Devin's passing, when I was scrambling for anything to read to ease the pain. It was only when I stumbled across your blog, that I started to remember it. I have ordered several copies and look forward to reading it. I so wish we didn't have this in common (for both you and I) but we do, and I get comfort in knowing I'm not alone. Most days, I'm like a robot, going through the motions. Reality slaps me hard in the face though, and I break in two from the intense pain. Grief is certainly a strange thing. You just don't know from one minute to the next where it will take you. You just hold on tight and go with it. Not like we have a choice. I'm starting to realize that Devin is not coming back. Ever. I will never hear his voice or touch him and that is one hard realization. I don't have to tell you that. My heart goes out to you and all grieving parents. I truly can feel your pain. Please keep your blog going. Know that you are giving a little bit of peace at a time when it seems there will never be peace again.


  2. Heather,
    I'm saying a prayer for you today. Thank you for connecting with me. You are right, You are not alone, you are never alone. Wishing you peace.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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